Stories, comments, observations and opinions by a Texan who is happily retired in Sonoma, California. Once a Texan....always a Texan.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I spotted this car on the 280 going into San Francisco from Palo Alto.  I followed it for miles with both of us going at a steady 55 MPH.  I know I'm not supposed to drive, grab my camera and start shooting but I was too curious not to get some photos of this interesting car.
The contraption on the top of the car was spinning at a high speed. I think it was some kind of turbine.  The metal bars across the top extended down the driver's side of the car like an arm and attached to the wheel.  As the wheel turned, the turbine on top spun.  I noticed the second person riding on the right side of the auto had a giant computer screen and he appeared to be working as the car was driven.
I thought this little blue auto might be a test car with a revolutionary "perpetual motion machine" or at least a "booster energy producer" for supplementing energy to move the car on down the highway.  After all, I was in the neighborhood of modern science, cutting edge computer technology and many very smart folks who are paid to think of new products to help all of us less experimental types.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Olive Harvest in Sonoma

As I've said before, there is always something interesting going on in Sonoma.  These folks are harvesting their  olives.  Notice the tarp spread on the ground under the tree were a worker has climbed on a ladder to reach the top branches.  He will shake the tree to make the ripened olives fall.  Then he will gather the olives into a bucket.  The olives will then be taken to a local olive crusher who will spin the olives forcing the oil into a vat.  Each olive tree produces it's own special flavor of olive oil.  Sometimes spices will be added.  Olive Oil is becoming one of the areas favorite crops.  Try the lemon infused olive oil...or the garlic...or sundried tomatoe.  Delicious.