Stories, comments, observations and opinions by a Texan who is happily retired in Sonoma, California. Once a Texan....always a Texan.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

LUCKY SHORTS plays to sold out theater

Dan Monez, producer of the event says, “The short story is one of the most difficult and interesting genres to master. In just a few pages, the author has to create a complete story with characters the reader can see, hear, and feel.”

Pictured above LtoR: Jean Wong, Dan Monez, Patsy Ann Taylor, Meta Strauss, Christine Goulart

Opened Sunday, June 12

Lucky Penny Theater
Community Arts Center
1758 Industrial Way

Here are the selected stories in order of when they will be read:
"Sub", by Jan Flynn, St. Helena
"Spare the Rod" by Christina Goulart, Santa Rosa
"Don't Get Me Wrong" by Patsy Ann Taylor, Napa
"Into the Box", by Jean Wong, Kenwood
"The Boat Ride", by Henry Michalski, Napa
"The Note", by Meta Strauss, Sonoma
"Pirouette", by Robbi Sommers Bryant, Santa Rosa
"Hurtling Jade", by Jean Wong, Kenwood
"The Savoy Theatre Singing Competition", by Ann Cash, Napa
"Dusk", by Jennifer Sullivan, Pope Valley
"Joy Ride", by Lenore Hirsch, Napa

Sunday, June 5, 2016


There's nothing like dressing in western gear and having a party!  

"Big Thank You" to Christine and Jon Curry for hosting an  El Chico gathering. Nancy Nagel catered and a fun group gathered to celebrate, hear some exerpts from SAVING EL CHICO read by the author (me) and listen to western music. Many shared their own interesting, fun Texas stories. It was a great party! I'm hoping for more such appearances and events around the country. 
(Saving El Chico is now available on Kindle as well as in hard copy - Amazon and at many local book stores.  Audio version will be out later this year.)