Stories, comments, observations and opinions by a Texan who is happily retired in Sonoma, California. Once a Texan....always a Texan.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Regardless of religious practices, it's the time of year when festive lights, music and a general feeling of joy fills the air. Only a "bah humbug grouch" doesn't enjoy singing and listening to carols.  Sonoma has had beautiful sunny, clear and crisp days for weeks, a true Christmas gift for all.

My Tree
 Grapes are all picked and in the process of becoming wine.  Even a "grouch" enjoys a nice glass of Pinot.
 Olive gathering.  Because of the rains and late cold weather of 2011, our olive crop is small, but folks are out harvesting, preparing for the Blessing of the Olives in early January. 
This Persimmon tree looks a bit like my Christmas tree.

We will attend a live nativity and Family Christmas Eve service and then will share a dinner of fresh Dungeness crab. Instead of a regular Christmas celebration we opted for a "re-gift" exchange and a Talent Show.  The idea is for each family member to share some kind of talent with the others.  Since we only have one family member who has a legitimate star-quality talent (Elizabeth sings and plays the guitar), the show should be interesting and, I'm sure, will be much fun.  It's top secret, but I know one 73 year old plans to dance the Charleston, something she's always wanted to do but has never done before.  I will read one chapter from my El Chico novel that I vow to publish in 2013.  If the show turns up a candidate for The X-Factor or American Idol I'll let you know!

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