Stories, comments, observations and opinions by a Texan who is happily retired in Sonoma, California. Once a Texan....always a Texan.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


It’s been hot. Really hot. That’s why I opened the kitchen door to let some of Sonoma’s fresh air filter through my home.
Within minutes a flock of flies joined me, disturbing the peace; buzzing in my ears, landing here, and darting there, zooming, daring me to interfere with their explorations. I tried to wave them back into nature with a dishtowel and out of my civilized existence. But, they continued their annoying invasion.
There was no choice.
I found the ancient fly swatter. Faster than my swings they zoomed, skyrocketing, avoiding my weapon. I was determined. Over and over again I pursued the pests. The only place they refused to go was back outside.
Ah ha! Zap! Got one!
I spent the better part of the day chasing these annoying, nasty creatures from kitchen to living room to bedroom and bath, and back again, maneuvering in a variety of positions hoping to catch them off guard. It was a perverse kind of entertainment, chasing and swatting flies.
At last I discovered an almost perfect method of annihilation. I watched each one closely, studying their moves. I determined the pest’s trajectory. Then I angled the swatter to collide with the take-off path. (Attacking from the rear or side is useless). I sneaked up. Quietly. Stealthily. Then with the quickest speed possible, SWAT!
Once I got two with one blow!”

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